Friday 27 November 2015

biroRobot's Mini Advent

Right you lovely Lot, as you are probably aware we don't do freebies, we've never held a sale, we rarely hold competitions or giveaways, even though we probably should… however, we've come up with something we hope is a little special - biroRobot's Mini Advent.  

Here is how it works.

Daily between the 1st December and the 12th December biroRobot will reduce (MASSIVELY!) a print or a product, for just that day - I repeat - THAT DAY ONLY! After which it will return to it's normal price. There will be something different everyday, so if you have been after a Stacking Bus print but could never justify it, or really want a mug or two for yourself, or loved one, now is the time!

We will open each advent door here on our blog every morning - you can follow on our Facebook or Twitter, or you can keep an eye on our website shop.

At the end of the 12th and final day, orders will be taken, advent doors will be shut and biroRobot will, wrap, pack and send all orders to you ready in time for Christmas, if you live in the UK. Rest of the World - it won't arrive in time for Christmas but it will be such a treat you won't care!

We hope you enjoy our Mini Advent - Sale Preview.

biroRobot . x

Please blog, Like, comment, Tweet, Pin, shout, shake it all about and generally share this post to help us boost our following. Thanking you All.

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